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plan-cambio-climatico-zaragoza.jpgsaragossa-426375_1920.jpgsaragossa-445240_1920.jpgzaragoza-5115544_1920.jpgzaragoza-5963101_1920.jpg Pictures:

Pictures: Municipality of Zaragoza, Pixabay


Climate Change Adaptation Plan for Zaragoza 2030


Main Subject:
Zaragoza approves its climate change adaptation plan to improve citizen health protection


In 2022, Zaragoza initiated the development of its Climate Change Adaptation Plan for Zaragoza 2030 (#PACCZ) as part of its commitments under the European Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy. Officially endorsed by the Government of Zaragoza on April 13, 2023, the Climate Change Adaptation Plan for Zaragoza (PACCZ) 2030 establishes a comprehensive framework for addressing climate change impacts within the city. This strategic plan aims to enhance Zaragoza's resilience to climate-related challenges and mitigate their adverse effects on public health, the economy, and the environment.

The response to climate change encompasses two primary approaches:

Mitigation to address underlying causes:

●    Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions through measures such as enhancing energy efficiency, minimizing fossil fuel consumption, and improving waste management.
●    Augmentation of CO2 capture by establishing urban forests and similar carbon sinks.

Adaptation to manage the consequences:

●    Preparation for short, medium, and long-term climate changes.
●    Mitigation and reduction of impacts and risks to enhance the resilience of both the population and ecosystems.

Based on the risk and vulnerability analysis conducted for the PACES 2030, the plan outlines the city's current climate risk profile for the forthcoming decades. Notably, extreme heat and river flooding are identified as the most significant threats, with potential repercussions across various sectors and communities. Other moderate-level risks include extreme cold, droughts, winds, forest fires, air and water chemical changes, and biological hazards. Precipitation extremes and mass movements are considered to pose a lower level of climate threat.

The plan is organized into nine key action areas, encompassing domains such as human health, water resources, green infrastructure, biodiversity, urban planning, mobility, education, and research. A total of 47 measures are proposed, aiming to reshape the city's design and management strategies. Collaboration with other governmental bodies, organizations, and civil society is emphasized to leverage collective efforts and achieve shared objectives.

These action areas include:

  1. Human Health
  2. Water and Water Resources
  3. Green Infrastructure, Biodiversity, Natural Heritage, and Protected Areas
  4. Agriculture and Food
  5. Mobility and Transportation
  6. Territorial and Urban Planning, Building, and Energy
  7. Education and Society
  8. Other Sectors: Industry and Services, Financial and Insurance Systems, Tourism
  9. Research and Innovation

As of the plan's approval in 2023, the initial project is slated for implementation in the coming months, marking a significant step towards proactive climate resilience for Zaragoza. 

Reference links:

SDG direct/ indirect short justification:

(SDG 13) Climate action

(SDG 11) Sustainable cities and communities


(SDG 13) Climate action: The Plan will enable the city to be better prepared to face the consequences of climate change and reduce its impact on the health of the population, the economy and the environment.

(SDG 11) Sustainable cities and communities: The entire Plan is city-oriented. It includes fundamentals for urban sustainability such as Mobility and Transportation and Territorial and Urban Planning, Building, and Energy..

Climate Change, extreme heat, human health, water resources, green infrastructure, biodiversity


Pl. de Ntra. Sra. del Pilar, 18, Casco Antiguo, 50003– Zaragoza

  1. What is the greatest climate change-related threat facing the city of Zaragoza?
  2. What measure is proposed to increase CO2 capture?
  3. How many actions are included in the plan?


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