
Climate change and biodiversity loss are two global challenges that significantly impact our lives. Addressing these problems requires action not only at the global or national scale, but also at the local and personal levels. It is crucial to be aware about environmental responsibility of the people personally, and supporting them in caring for nature in everyday life.
This will be achieved through a distinctive educational program focused on urban ecology, aiming to provide practical knowledge of what eco-friendly solutions can be done in one's home, apartment, garage, garden, neighborhood and city or village. And all at minimal cost, for a lot of ingenuity and creative invention.

EURECA Project

Project objectives:
● Identifying optimal approaches to enhance urban ecology.
● Comparing urban ecology practices in each participating country.
● Facilitating the exchange of knowledge, best practices and experiences related to urban ecology and education.
● Developing an urban ecology educational program for the adult target group.
● Conduct remote classes within the EURECA Academy in 2025.
● Guiding urban residents inapplication of green skills.
● Cultivating a personal sense of responsibility towards the environment.
● Support of implementing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
● Supporting EU policies through non-formal adult education to enhance our environment via urban ecology.
● Disseminating results at regional, national, and international levels.

● Educational and training materials prepared.
● Conduct remote classes of the Academy in each partner country (Czech Republic, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Spain).
● Training is conducted in each country (Czech Republic, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Spain).
● Establishment of a network between partners.

EURECA stands out for its innovation as it pioneers models and methodologies that bring significant novelty to the fields of climate change, green economy, sustainable initiatives, and best practices. The project's innovative character lies in its unique approach, combining lifestyle changes with the design of urban spaces while addressing crucial social issues, such as the social inclusion of groups vulnerable to exclusion, including migrants and people with disabilities. Recognizing climate change as a social challenge, the project emphasizes the importance of building robust local social capital as a key strategy for adapting to changing circumstances.

Moreover, EURECA recognizes the role of its educational materials as a pivotal factor in mobilizing tangible action on both small and intermediate scales. By doing so, the project aims to counteract the detrimental attitude, observed as a response to the climate crisis, characterized by fatalism and a reluctance to take pro-climate action due to a lack of belief in the ability to influence a halt to climate change processes.

The creation of the OER platform generates innovative impact across various ecosystems in support of the environment and the fight against climate change throughout the EU. In addition to the above, EURECA is innovative in creating synergies between different fields of education and training, introducing operational complementarities to other initiatives already undertaken by participating organizations. At the European level, EURECA addresses the need to provide learning content to enhance adult education systems, within the framework of the ERASMUS+ programme.

