Good Practices

A typical Andalusian village_1.jpgA typical Andalusian village_2.jpgCaptura de pantalla 2024-01-18 112941.pngOhanes.pngdus5000.jpg Pictures:

Pictures Spanish goverment _ Ayto Ohanes _ IA


sustainable energies to reduce rural depopulation.


Main Subject:
Sustainable urban development


The Sustainable Urban Development Program, known as DUS 5000, was established to aid communities in transitioning to clean energy while addressing rural depopulation challenges.

DUS 5000 is a fresh initiative aimed at supporting clean energy projects in municipalities grappling with demographic issues. Funding is directed towards municipalities categorized as "demographic challenge municipalities," defined as those with fewer than 5,000 inhabitants, or non-urban municipalities with up to 20,000 inhabitants where all constituent population entities have fewer than 5,000 inhabitants.

This assistance is geared towards fostering sustainable urban development in these municipalities, focusing on enhancing energy efficiency in public buildings and infrastructure, promoting green investments, encouraging self-consumption, and advancing sustainable mobility.

The municipality of Ohanes is set to become the pioneer in the province of Almería by implementing renewable energy installations to boost self-consumption through the DUS 5000 Plan. The Ohanes project entails the installation of photovoltaic solar energy systems for self-consumption across nine municipal buildings or infrastructures, including the Town Hall, water treatment plant, Sports Pavilion, Multipurpose Halls, school, and healthcare facilities.

To qualify for funding under the DUS 5000 program, projects must implement measures resulting in a reduction of anticipated CO2 emissions. Eligible measures encompass reducing energy demand and consumption in public buildings, installing renewable electricity generation facilities for self-consumption, establishing renewable thermal generation facilities, combatting light pollution, promoting sustainable mobility, and integrating efficient lighting and Smart Rural technologies. 

Local policymakers underscore the significance of this investment program in promoting sustainability and renewable energies within rural areas.

Reference links:

SDG direct/ indirect short justification:


  • (SDG 7) Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all


  • (SDG 9) Industry, innovation and infrastructure
  • (SDG 11) Sustainable cities and communities
  • (SDG 13) Climate action


  • (SDG 7) Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all:  The program facilitates the implementation of sustainable energy efficiency projects, the generation of renewable energies and the promotion of electric mobility. In the case of the town of Ohanes, the entire community will benefit from the first measures in public services and buildings.
  • (SDG 9) Industry, innovation and infrastructure: The town's infrastructure will benefit from the installation of solar panels to supply the energy needs of public buildings.
  • (SDG 11) Sustainable cities and communities:  The objective of the program is sustainable urban development.
    The availability of electricity in any rural environment allows us to improve our quality of life, access technology and be connected to work. Therefore, an increase in electrification can help to solve the problem of empty Spain, because we are talking about an activity that has a presence throughout the territory, thanks to network infrastructures that reach all the Spanish small towns
  • (SDG 13) Climate action:  The promotion of renewable energies, sustainability and energy efficiency in small and resource-poor municipalities will have a clear impact on CO2 reduction and the fight against climate change.

Sustainable urban development, energy transition, rural depopulation, demographics challenges, energ


  1. What was the DUS 5000 program designed for?
  2. What are some of the actions funded by the program?
  3. What measures related to sustainable energy will be implemented by the town of Ohanes?


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