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Newsletter EURECA n.º 1 - 28 February 2024

Transnational meeting in Lisbon with case studies

The first transnational meeting of the European Urban Ecology Academy (EURECA) project took place in Lisbon, from 6 to 10 November 2024, organized by the partner EDU.IN – Associação para a Educação Integral. The meeting included, in accordance with the approved Erasmus+ project, guided visits to exemplary urban ecology situations with case study potential. This report is about these cases and visits. All visits enabled multidimensional approaches to sets of urban ecology problems and their solutions, all related to the United Nations SDGs 2030.

Collection of 30 good ecological practices

EURECA project partners have completed the description of 30 good environmental practices. There are diverse examples, collected in partner countries, that give a vision of what is being done in Europe in the face of the climate threat and to save natural resources and preserve biodiversity.

Colloquium on Urban Ecology with Portuguese experts

The EURECA project meeting in Lisbon included a colloquium with representatives of the partners and Portuguese experts on urban ecology issues. The colloquium was open to the public and had the participation of invited people and entities. For two and a half hours, various topics were discussed, making a valuable contribution to the development of the project.

EURECA presents itself at the University

The participation of EURECA Project at the XV Environmental Engineering Conferences of Instituto Superior Técnico, in Lisbon, the second public dissemination activity in Portugal, sparked the curiosity among the school community of the university. The project's environmental education objectives, its structure, development and implementation were explained in the three days (February 14th to 16th) to those who approached EDU.IN stand. 
These Conferences are organized annually by Environmental Engineering students with the aim of publicizing and discussing pressing topics, with the participation of invited experts who organize lectures and workshops. This year, the themes were research into permafrost, energy and energy transition, climate change and urban ecology issues, exactly the subject of EURECA – European Urban Ecology Academy. Instituto Superior Técnico is the largest faculty of Architecture, Engineering, Science and Technology in Portugal, with a community of 12,000 people.

What is Urban Ecology?

Urban ecology is the study of the relationships of human and nonhuman organisms in urban areas, the interactions of these organisms with the native and built physical environment, and the effects of these relationships on the fluxes of energy, materials, and information within individual urban systems and between urban and nonurban systems. Urban ecology applies the methods and concepts of the biological science of ecology to urban areas, but requires and integrates with the concerns, concepts, and approaches of social sciences to produce a hybrid discipline.Urban ecology applies the methods and concepts of the biological science of ecology to urban areas, but requires and integrates with the concerns, concepts, and approaches of social sciences to produce a hybrid discipline.


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